
JGL Wholesale Forensic Light Source

JGL Wholesale Forensic Light Source

The demand for light sources in criminal technical work is very common. Whether in field investigations or in laboratories, a large number of light sources are required. For decades, visible light sources have been used in most crime scene searches. Although some forensic investigators occasionally use ultraviolet light (ultraviolet black light) to check the evidence at the crime scene, white light is still the main method. Light source equipment plays a huge role in the search for potential trace evidence at the crime scene, physical evidence inspection and identification, and criminal photography. Means and accurate evidence information.

Forensic light sources are tools for crime scene investigators and laboratory technicians to enhance observation, photography and evidence collection, including potential fingerprints, body fluids, hair and fibers, bruises, bite marks, wound patterns, shoes and footprints, gun residue Objects, drug traces, problematic files, bone fragment detection, etc. It has higher sensitivity than traditional methods, so it increases the amount of evidence found and increases the quality of taking pictures and collecting evidence.

A forensic light source is made up of a powerful lamp containing the ultra-violet, visible and infrared components of light. It then filters down the light into individual color bands (wavelengths) that enhance the visualization of evidence by light interaction techniques including fluorescence (evidence glows), absorption (evidence darkens), and oblique lighting (small particle evidence revealed).

If you need a forensic light source, please contact us:

Call us at: + 86-020-36777693
Get a Quote Now: Lynn@gzjgled.com

